The Key to Your SUCCESS is Personal Growth

The good book says that as a man thinketh in his heart (In his Mind) so is he. In other words you will never have more than what your mind believes that you can or should have. You have made the decision to start your own business...Congratulations!! You have just joined the 3% of the population that has decided to make their own destiny instead of waiting on someone else to create it for them. YOU ARE A WINNER! I know that you have it in you to do this business but the question is "How bad do you want it?
You have the POWER to control your destiny,
You were BOLD enough to MAKE A DECISION to start your OWN Business,

Here are some clips from personal mentors that have both inspired and
guided me for the last 5 years that I have been building my dreams.
I hope that they will be inspirational to you too as you travel to your Success Destination.

"How to Manifest Extreme Money" by Bob Proctor

Below is a Short List of Some of my Favorites...Enjoy!   
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki
"Think and Grow Rich" by Nepoleon Hill
"You Were Born Rich" by Bob Proctor
"The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley
"The Instant Millionaire: A Tale of Wisdom and Wealth" by Mark Fisher
The Millionaire's Secrets: Life Lessons in Wisdom and Wealth" by Mark Fisher

Note: This business is 80% Mental and 20% of the How To’s. What this means is that the more you develop/renew your mind and help others to do the same, THE MORE ABUNDANCE will come to you. In other words…….

“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.”

The above list is just a small list of books that i recommend. The fulfilling road of
personal achievement and personal development is a lifelong commitment...
so commit to reading at least one book a month.
For as Mr. Jim Rohn puts it, "If you will change, everything will change for you"

and here he is speaking on personal development.

"Relaxation Is The Key" by Coach Khayr Love